Maclehose and I talked together to Georgina Godwin about the brand new
Mountain Leopard Press and the Earthspinner, his brilliant career
spanning Murakami, Umberto and Steig Larsson, how Rukun Advani helped
him choose the name for his press, how he discovered my first book in
2007 and went on to publish all the books I've written. The "impossibly
glamorous" Christopher (as Georgina describes him) is wonderful to
listen to, and while dogs feature a great deal in this conversation, so
does a motorbike. And the singer Marianne Faithfull. You can listen to the interview here.
I spent most of May and a part of June at the De Pure Fiction residency in a tiny, isolated hamlet in the Occitanie in France. To write about the place and what it did to my work and to me will take time -- to reflect, to let things settle. Meanwhile, Isabelle Desesquelles, the French novelist who runs the residency, asked me a set of questions before I left, and has posted it on the blog with watercolours I painted while I was there. La Lettre #36 _______________ Anuradha Roy a publié cinq romans. Elle a résidé à la maison De Pure Fiction en ce printemps pour son prochain livre et depuis, les chevreuils, les oiseaux - rouge-gorge familier, huppe fasciée, pivert, coucou - les lézards verts, les libellules bleues, les papillons semblent s’être mis eux aussi à la lecture, la cherchant sous les pétales d’un coquelicot ou au travers du feuillage des oliviers. Peut-être même, tous, envisagent-ils de faire le voyage jusqu’en Inde et l'Himalaya où Anuradha Roy vit, ...